
Week 11

Here is my Individual Powerpoint Presentation:

Week 10

Here is my Progress Report.

Winter Break

Trying to attach LCD to my sensor to show the readings of my sensor on it.


This week build video is due and I’m working on it to show it to the class on Monday.


We are done with our Group Placard which is due on Monday. Also I wrote my individual 30 second script.
Below is the link to my Individual 30 sec Script and group Placard.

Trippie Placard:

Alt text


I connected my sensors and i ran the command sudo ./ghmain. My Light sensor is working well but there is a problem in temperature sensor. It is showing the same temperature on all the reading. Alt text

My humdity sensor is also working now. Below is the picture of output of the sensor. Alt text


I tested all my sensors (Temperature, Humidity and Light).LED attached on the PCB Board is also blinking.
Here I am showing my blinking LED and sensors working in a picture below. Alt text


I am testing my sensors. On 28th november I tested my project sensor but it was not working. I tried to check the pins again with a diagram provided on the web and realised that even though my code was taking an input from pin 29, my sensor was giving the output to pin 31, and i missed that fact because of the close approximity of those two pins. When i realised that, I changed my pin and then my sensor worked well.

During Strike

The parts which i ordered for my project delivered. I came to college to work on my PCB board.


In this week I submitted my Budget. I also start ordering my stuff for the project.


In this week I submitted my Project Schedule and I started working on Budget. By this time we also made our Groups.


In this week I submitted my Project Proposal and I brought my Parts kit to class.


In this week we had an individual Quiz and I made an account on Github